Creating Products

When setting up your online B2B store, it's essential to populate it with products. This article will explain how to create products on your B2B eCommerce platform. Remember, however, that before creating or importing products, you need to create or handle the following items:

Now, it’s time to see how to create products on B2B Wave manually.

Step 1. Go to the Products >Products menu on your Admin Panel  and click on “+New product.”

Step 2. Fill in the necessary information on the “New product page” that opens up. 

Specifically, here you will encounter the following fields: 

Name Type the product’s name
Code Add the product’s code/SKU
Description Add the product description, which will appear on your storefront. You can modify your text using the available formatting options
Image Add the main product image. You can drag and drop or upload the file into the grey box. Remember that you can add an image to your description by clicking the “Image” icon in the “Description” field.
Then, select “Browse Server” to upload a photo or choose a previously uploaded image, or select “Add link” if you’ve uploaded the picture online (e.g., through Cloudinary).
NOTE: You can upload more product images through the “Images” tab 
Category  Select the product’s category from the drop-down menu
Add to
more categories
Click to add the product to more categories, if applicable
MSRP Insert the product’s MSRP, if applicable. Otherwise, leave blank. Remember that you can enable this field through Settings >Profile >Application Configuration through the “Product attributes” section by checking the “Products have suggested retail price (MSRP)” box
Cost Add product cost, if applicable. Remember that you can enable this field through Settings >Profile >Application Configuration in the “Product attributes” section by checking the “Manage product cost” box. Find out more about configuring your platform
Weight Enter your product’s weight, if applicable. Note that you can enable this field through Settings >Profile >Application Configuration in the “Product attributes” section by checking the “Manage weight for products” option
Minimum quantity Type the product’s minimum order quantity, if applicable. Otherwise, leave blank
Quantity Enter the product’s available stock quantity 
Track inventory Check this box to allow inventory tracking for the product. Note that you can enable this field through Settings >Profile >Application Configuration in the “Inventory” section by checking the “Manage stock levels for products” option. Discover how inventory management works on B2B Wave
Allow backorder Check this option to allow customers to place orders for out-of-stock products. You can enable this field through Settings >Profile >Application Configuration in the “Inventory” section by checking the “Allow backordering for specific products” box. Learn more about backorders
quantity threshold
Enter the product’s low quantity threshold. To enable this field, go to Settings >Profile >Application Configuration in the “Inventory” section by checking the “Manage low stock levels for products” box
Box Quantity
/ Multiples
Add the value of the product’s box quantity. To enable this field and allow customers to order products in multiples, go to Settings >Profile >Application Configuration in the “Product attributes” section by checking the “Products can be ordered in multiples (eg 8, 16, 24)” option
Status  Select the product’s status from the drop-down menu (e.g., Available, Limited Stock) 
Estimated availability date Select the estimated delivery date, if applicable. To enable this field, go to Settings >Profile >Application Configuration in the “Product attributes” section by checking the “Products can have an estimated availability date” option
Sales Tax
product class 
Select the sales tax that applies to the product from the drop-down menu
Brand Choose the product’s brand from the drop-down menu, if applicable
Measurement unit Select the product’s measurement unit from the drop-down menu. Find out more about measurement units
Is active? Check this box if the product is active. Deselect it if the product becomes inactive
Approved Check this box to approve a product on your B2B store. This field will appear only if you activate the suppliers feature on your platform
Only available
for adding to quotes
Check this box if the product is available for adding to quotes. This field will appear only if you activate quotes for your platform 
Dimensions (length/width/height) Enter the product's dimensions in the appropriate field, if applicable
Dimensions measurement unit Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu

Step 3. When you finish, click “Save” to create the product.

Adding Pricing to Products

To specify a product’s price, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to Products >Products and click on a product.

Step 2. Move to the “Prices” tab, enter the product’s price for each price list, and click “Save” to store them.

Setting Product Discounts

You can set discounts for a product by following these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Products >Products menu on your Admin Dashboard and select the product you want to set a discount on.

Step 2. Select the “Discounts” tab. Here you can start adding your product’s discounts for each of your price lists. There are two options for product discounts you can choose from:

  • A percentage discount, which is based on the product’s initial price
  • A fixed final price applied to the product

Let’s look at the fields you will encounter on this page:

Price List Refers to the name of the price list that feature the product you want to apply a discount to 
Initial price Presents the initial price of your product per price list 
From quantity Set the minimum quantity for the discount to apply. If this does not apply, then leave this field empty 
Percentage (%) Enter the figure of the percentage discount you want to assign to the specific product. Note that the product’s final price will be automatically calculated based on the figure you have inserted in this field. For example, if a product’s initial price is 100 and you apply a 10% discount, then the value “90” will appear in the “Final Price” field. If you want to offer a fixed price discount, then leave this field empty 
Date from If the discount is eligible for a specific period, insert the starting date of the offer. Leave the field empty, if you do not want to set a time limit for this discount 
Date to If you want to offer a discount for a specific period, insert the last date the discount rule is valid. Leave the field empty, if you do not want to set a time limit for this discount  
Final price Enter the product's final price in this field only if you want to offer a specific discounted price

Step 3. Once you set your discount rules, click “Save.” Remember that if the product belongs to a product category or subcategory for which you offer a discount, then this will be calculated on top of any discount you specify here. 

Setting Customer Prices for Products

To set product discounts for specific customers, complete these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Products >Products menu on your Admin Dashboard and select the appropriate product.

Step 2. Go to the “Customer prices” tab and click  “+.” Then, type the customer name in the “Customer” field, and enter the price that applies to that customer. If you want this discount to apply on top of any product discount you have set in the “Discounts” tab, check the “Apply extra discounts (%)” box. 

Step 3. Click “Save” to store your selections.

In the example below, Wholesale Demo & Co have set the price for the product Malibu Vibes at $100 (instead of its original $140 price point) for their customer Rhaenys Company, who will see this price when they login to Wholesale Demos B2B store.

Adding Related Products

Products that customers usually buy together can appear on your B2B eCommerce platform’s storefront. To add a “Related Products” section on an individual product’s page containing links to other relevant products, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to Products >Products on your Admin Dashboard and click on the product for which you want to add related products.

Step 2. Click the “Related products” tab and click “+” to start adding.  If you enable the “Buy with” option, you will be able to create product sets to be sold together as a bundle with each product. 

Step 3. Click “Save” to keep the changes. Then, the selected products will appear on your storefront.

Defining Options for Products

Your product may be available in different sizes or colors or come with additional add-ons or customizations. To assign options to your products:

Step 1. Go to Products >Products and click the product you want to assign a product option.

Step 2. Look for the “Product Options” tab. Then, click “+” and select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. Remember that you can add up to two (2) options per product. Once you finish, click “Save.”

NOTE: If you forgot to create a product option, click “ADD NEW” to add it. 

Adjusting Option Prices for Products

You can assign different prices to your product options to apply additional fees to them. Let’s see how you can do this. 

Step 1. Go to Products >Products and select a product you would like to assign different prices to its available options.

Step 2. Click the “Price adjustments per option” tab, and input the corresponding additional fee for each product option value for your price lists. Once you are ready, click “Save” to store the adjustments. Remember that price adjustments are calculated on top of the initial pricing of the product for each price list.

Creating Product Code & Price Variants

If your product has variants, you may want to add different prices, codes, quantities, or images per variant. To do this:

Step 1. Go to Products >Products and select a product to which you want to add variants.

Step 2. Click the “Code & price variants” tab, select the option(s) you want to add to the product, and then click “Create Code & Price Variants” to generate variations. You can also select which product variant values you want to enable here. For each variant, you can choose if the variant is active or not, add a unique variant code and inventory quantity, specify variant prices for multiple price lists, and upload images.

Step 3. Click “Save” to create variants. The product’s pricing on your storefront will automatically change to match the variant’s price you have set.  

Promoting Products on your Storefront

You may want to promote specific products on your storefront because it’s a new product or offer a special discount. To do this:

Step 1. Go to Products >Products and select a product you want to promote.

Step 2. Move to the “Promotion” tab, make the appropriate selections and click “Save.” 

Specifically, here, you can decide the following:

Promote in
category page
Check this option to have the product at the top of its category page
Promote in
front page 
Check this box if you want the product to appear on your storefront’s home page under the “Featured Products” section 
in deals page
Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. Here you can choose: 
  1. Always. The product will always appear on your storefront’s Deals (Offers) page, regardless of whether you have applied a discount to it,  
  2. Never. The product will not appear on the Deals page
  3. Only if discounts are available. The product will only display on the Deals page if you have applied a discount to it

Uploading Extra Images and Files for Products

You can upload additional images or files for your products, which will appear on your storefront. To do so:

Step 1. Go to Products >Products and select a product to which you want to add images or files.

Step 2. Click the “Images” tab, drag and drop or upload the photos, and click “Save.”

Step 3. Look for the “Files” tab, choose a title for the new file, then select “Choose File” to attach it, and click “Save.”

Adding Extra Information for Products

To add additional information for a product, such as a UPC, barcode, or reference code, and package quantity, follow these steps: 

Step 1.  Go to Products >Products and select a product.

Step 2. Go to the “Advanced” tab, fill in the necessary information, and click “Save.”

Specifically, here you will encounter the following fields:

UPC code 

Add a UPC code for the product 
Barcode  Enter the product’s barcode,  if applicable
Reference code  Add a reference code for the product 
Package quantity  Fill in the package quantity for the product 
measurement unit
Select the package quantity measurement unit from the drop-down menu
Meta description Enter a meta description to describe the product’s page better
PDF description Add the product description - this will appear in your PDF product catalog 
Search keywords Type the words or phrases to facilitate customers’ search queries for this product

Assigning Extra Fields to Products

If you have created Product Type extra fields, you can assign them to products by completing these steps:

Step 1. Go to Products >Products and select a product to which you want to specify extra fields.

Step 2. Look for the “Extra fields” tab, then make the appropriate selections, and click “Save.”

Setting Product Status Rules for Products

You can also create and assign product status rules to a product. Let’s see how you can do this.

Step 1. Go to Products >Products and select a product.

Step 2. Look for the “Product status rules” tab and click “+Add rule” to define a new product status rule.

Step 3. Fill in the relevant quantities in the “From quantity” and “To quantity” fields. Then, select a status from the drop-down menu and click “Save” to store the rule.

Managing Product Visibility

You may have special agreements with your customers and need to manage your product privacy. Let’s see how to make products visible only to specific customers or groups.

Step 1. Go to Products >Products on your Admin Panel. Select the product you want to make private.

Step 2. On the “Editing product,” go to the “Access” tab, check the “Private” box, and insert the necessary information in the fields. 


Customers Type the name(s) of the customer(s) who can access and order this product on your storefront 
Privacy groups Enter the name(s) of the privacy groups that can access this product, if applicable
Exclude customer(s) 
accessing product 
Add the name(s) of the customer(s) from whom you wish to hide this product, if applicable 

Step 3. Click “Save” to allow only specific customers or privacy groups to view this product.

Deleting Products

You can also delete specific products from your online B2B store. To do so: 

Step 1. Go to the Products menu. 

Step 2. Look for the product you want to remove from your B2B portal and click on the “x” mark. Once you confirm your choice, the product will disappear from your Admin Panel and storefront.

NOTE: To delete products in bulk, go to the Products Menu and click “Delete all products.” Then, on the page that opens, select the product categories you want to remove from your store, confirm the deletion, and click “Delete Products.” Note that this will also remove products from  all related subcategories. 

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