Creating Product Categories and Subcategories

You may sell a suite of different products, which means you’re managing different product categories, or your clients are buying different products from you. Also, you may wish to set up special promotions (e.g., winter sales) or other promotional activities that require you to manage certain products in your inventory in a specific way.  

Setting up your product categories is integral to structuring your B2B portal’s backend, as it will help you populate your store faster and more effectively. This article will walk you through how you can create product categories and subcategories on your B2B eCommerce platform.

Creating Categories and Subcategories

Step 1. Go to the Product Categories menu on your Admin Dashboard.

Step 2. Click on the “New Category” button. 

Step 3. On the “New category” page that opens up, fill in the necessary information, and click “Save.” 


Name Add the category’s name
Parent category Define the type of category you want to create. If this is a parent category, do not select a parent category from the drop-down menu. If this is a subcategory, choose its parent category it is assigned to from the drop-down menu
Description Add a description for the category/subcategory, if applicable.  Remember that you can adjust your text using the available formatting options
Active Check this option if the category is active. Deselect it to make it inactive 
Discount Set the discount percentage that applies to this category/subcategory, if applicable
Update discount in subcategories too Check this box to apply the discount to the category’s subcategories too. Otherwise, leave it unchecked. Remember that this option appears only when you are editing a parent category
Default measurement unit Select the default measurement unit for the category/subcategory, if applicable. See how you can create measurement units

Step 4. Click the “Advanced” tab to set an image for the category/subcategory, if applicable. 

Step 5. Move to the “Access” tab to manage the category/subcategory’s privacy rules. 
Here you will find the following options:
Private Check this box to make the category/subcategory private
Customers  Type the name(s) of the customer(s) who can access the category/subcategory on your storefront. This field will appear if you check the “Private” option
Privacy groups Enter the name(s) of the privacy groups that can access the category/subcategory, if applicable. This field will appear if you check the “Private” option
Exclude customer(s) from accessing category Add the name(s) of the customer(s) from whom you wish to hide this category or subcategory, if applicable 
Subcategories inherit access settings If this is a parent category, check this option to make its subcategories private. Otherwise, leave this option unchecked

Step 6. Go to the “Extra fields” tab to assign extra fields to the category/subcategory, if applicable.

Step 7. Click “Save” to create the category or subcategory.

Remember that you can create as many categories as you wish. In addition, you can manage them through the Product Categories menu by clicking “Manage categories.” Finally, you can arrange categories and subcategories by dragging and dropping them to the desired position within the category hierarchy. 

Also, you can click “Sort categories alphabetically” to sort categories/subcategories in alphabetical order.

Once you create categories/subcategories, customers can see them on your storefront.

Importing Product Categories

You can import and update product categories in bulk by following these steps:

Step 1. Go to Tools >Import Categories and download the sample file.

Step 2. Open the spreadsheet and fill in the necessary information. Specifically:

name Enter the name of the category/subcategory
description Add a description for the category/subcategory, if applicable
meta_title Type in the title tag of the category/subcategory, if applicable. Remember that the meta title is the element in the head section of an HTML document that defines the title of each page of a website
meta_description Add the meta description to describe the category/subcategory, if applicable. This is especially useful if your online B2B store is public, as a meta description an HTML element that provides a summary of a web page 
is active Enter “1” if the category/subcategory is active on your B2B store, otherwise type “0”
discount Insert the discount percentage that applies to this category/subcategory, if applicable
parent_id If this is a subcategory, enter the parent category’s id. You can find this through the URL of the product category page when you access it on your Admin Panel, that is https:/<>/admin/categories/<category id> 
parent_name Add the name of the main product category if this is a subcategory. Otherwise, leave blank
image_url Insert the category/subcategory’s image URL

Step 3. Go to Tools >Import Categories, click “Choose File,” and “Import” to create product categories. Remember that your file should be in .xlsx format.

NOTE: You can update product categories/subcategories by going to  Tools >Import Categories and clicking “Export categories.” Then, follow Steps 2&3, as described above.

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