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Customer Price Lists

You can create different price lists that you can assign to your customers based on several criteria (e.g., location, special agreements you have with them). 

For example, let’s say you have three different price lists for your customers. You can create three separate price lists: a Basic Price List for retailers, a Discount Price List for customers with special agreements, and a USA & Canada Price List for customers in these countries. Then, you can set product prices for each price list and assign a price list to your customers. Your customers will see prices for each product based on the price list you assign to them. 

Below, you will find how to create a new price list, establish price lists based on existing ones, apply discounts on a price list, set product prices on a price list, and assign a price list to a customer.

Creating a New Price List

To create a new price list, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to Products >Price Lists on your Admin Dashboard. Here you can see the default price lists. To create a new price list, click “New price list.”

Step 2. Fill in the fields on the “New price list” page that opens, and click “Save.”


Name  Type the name of the price list 
Short Name Enter an optional abbreviation or short name for this price list. The price list will appear on your dashboard with the name you enter in this field
Is Default  Check this option if you want to assign new customers to this price list automatically
Currency  Enter the currency that corresponds to this price list. Note that the currency you choose here will appear to customers assigned to this price list. For example, if you select USD, customers assigned to this price list will see all product prices in USD 
Based on Select a price list from the drop-down menu, if you want your new price list to inherit product prices from the “based on” list
Discount percentage  Enter a discount percentage you want to  apply to all your products. The discount will be calculated on the “Based on” price list prices. For example, if your “Wholesale Price List” is based on the “Basic Price List” and discounted by 10%, all product prices in your “Wholesale Price List” will be 10% cheaper than your “Basic Price List.” Importantly, this option will appear if you select a price list in the “Based on” field
Recalculate product prices Check this option if you want all product prices to be recalculated according to the changes you make in the pricing rules. Importantly, this option will appear if you select a price list in the “Based on” field

Applying Discounts to a Price List

You can create a discount price list easily. To do so, complete the below steps:

Step 1. Go to Products >Price Lists and click “New Price List.”

Step 2. Select a price list from the “Based on” drop-down menu,  then set a value on the “Discount percentage” field, and click “Save.” This way, product pricing will change to reflect the discount applied to them.

Establishing Price Lists Based on Existing Prices Lists and Applying Additional Rules

You can base a new price list on an existing one, which means that your new price list will inherit all product prices from that list. To do so: 

Step 1. Go to Products >Price Lists on your Admin Dashboard and click “New price list.”

Step 2. Select a price list from the “Based on” drop-down menu. By choosing this option, the prices for each of your products on the new price list will be imported from the “Based on” price list you specify. For example, if you base a new price list called Price List 2 on existing Price List 1, then all your Price List 2 prices will be set according to the Price List 1 prices. Afterward, you can adjust the Price List 2 prices in bulk through the “Rules” tab on the “New price list” page.

Step 3. Go to the “Rules” tab to set more targeted rules for your price list, such as discounts for certain product categories and for specific products, and click “Save.” 

NOTE: You can read below for this and more applications of the “Rules” function.

Applying Product Category Discounts to a Price List

You can create price lists with discounts for specific product categories. To do so:

Step 1. Go to Products >Price Lists, click “New Price List.” and choose the price list you want to base this list on. 

Step 2. Go to the “Rules” tab and click “+.” Next, choose “Category” in the “Rule Type” column, then select the relevant product category from the drop-down menu under “Option,” add the appropriate percentage in the “Discount Percentage” field, and click “Save.” Finally, remember to check the “Recalculate product prices” to update the pricing for products included in this category.

NOTE: If you want certain customers to enjoy discounts for specific product categories, you can create product category discount price lists and assign these to them.

Applying Product Discounts to a Price List

You can create price lists with discounts for particular items. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to Products >Price Lists, click “New Price List.” and choose the price list you want to base this list on. 

Step 2. Go to the “Rules” tab and click “+.” Then, select “Product” in the “Rule Type” column and type the relevant product code (SKU) in the “Option” field. Next, enter the appropriate percentage in the “Discount Percentage” field, and click “Save.” Finally, remember to check the “Recalculate product prices” to update the pricing of these products.

Assigning Different Prices to Products

After you create a new price list, you can set prices for a specific product. To do so, complete these steps:

Step 1. Click on Products >Products. Then, select the product you want to put a price for and click on it.

Step 2. Set a price for this product for each of your price lists, on the “Editing product” page.

Assigning Price Lists to Customers

To assign a price list to a customer, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Customers menu on your Admin Dashboard and click on the customer you want to assign to a price list.

Step 2. Go to the “Price List” field, select the appropriate price list from the drop-down menu on the “Customer details” page, and click “Save.”

Once you assign a customer to a price list, your customer will see the product prices of the specific price list.  

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