Privacy Groups

Sometimes you need to manage customer or product privacy based on your commercial policy or special business agreements with specific customers.

With your B2B Wave eCommerce platform, you can create privacy groups, which you can assign to products and customers. The privacy group feature is useful when you want certain products to be visible only to specific customers. 

You can create privacy groups manually or mass assign privacy groups to products and customers on your platform. Let’s see how. 

Creating Privacy Groups Manually

You can create a privacy group by following these steps:

Step 1. Go to Settings >Privacy groups on your Admin Dashboard and click on “New privacy group.”

Step 2. On the page that opens, enter the name of the new group. Remember to check the “Default for new customers” box if you want to assign new customers to this group automatically.

Step 3. To include a product in your new privacy group, go to Products >Products and click on the “Access” tab. Then, check the “Private” box, and enter the name of the privacy group you want to assign this product to in the “Privacy groups” field.

Step 4. To assign a customer to your new privacy group, go to the Customers menu and click on the customer you want to include. Then, on the “Editing customer” page, type the name of the privacy group you wish to assign this customer in the “Privacy groups” field. By doing so, the specific customer will be able to view the products included in this privacy group.

Mass Assigning Products to Privacy Groups 

To assign privacy groups to products and customers in bulk, follow the below steps:

Step 1. Go to Products >Import on your Admin Dashboard.

Step 2. Click “Sample file import” to download a template file if you have not previously uploaded any products to your B2B eCommerce platform.

Step 3. Open the spreadsheet, look for the “privacy_groups” column, and enter the privacy group you want to include your products.

Step 4. Go to Products >Import, click “Choose File” to upload your file, and click “Import” to automatically update your privacy groups to include the products you have assigned to them. Remember that your file should be in .xlsx format.

NOTE: If you have previously uploaded products on your online B2B store, go to Products >Export to export your product list. Then repeat Steps 3 & 4, as described above.

Mass Assigning Customers to Privacy Groups 

To assign privacy groups to your customers in bulk, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to Tools >Import Customers on your Admin Dashboard. Here, you can either download the sample file or choose the “Export existing customers” option.

Step 2. Open the spreadsheet, search for the “privacy_groups” column, and enter the name of the privacy group you want to assign your customers. Remember that you can include each customer in more than one privacy group. If this is the case, input each group name separated with a comma, making sure you leave no spaces between them. 

Step 3. Go to Tools >Import Customers and click “Choose File” to update your customer privacy groups.

For more information about B2B Wave's other privacy options, read our article on Private product categories.

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