Product Status and Rules

Product statuses allow you to automate your products’ inventory status based on a specific rule. Your B2B Wave account comes with the following default statuses:

  • Available
  • Limited Stock
  • Pre-order
  • Not available
  • Discontinued
  • Sold Out

You can manually create, edit, or delete product status or mass assign them to your B2B portal. Also, you can create rules to set any given product status based on inventory quantity automatically. Let’s see how you can do this.

Creating Product Statuses Manually

You can create your product statuses through the following steps: 

Step 1. Go to Settings >Product Statuses and click “+New product status.”

Step 2. Add the necessary information on the “New product status” page and click “Save.” 

Specifically, on this page, you will encounter the following fields:

Name Enter the name of the product status you want to create
View Order Corresponds to the ascending order of the status’s appearance on the products menu. For example, if you want the status to appear first on your product menu, set the value to “0”, if you want it to appear second, set the value “1”, and so on
Can order? Check this option to allow customers to order products with this status
at product grid view
Check this box if you want the status to appear on your storefront when customers use the grid (photos) view to browse products
Background color Select the color background color for this status or type in the Hex color code (e.g., #ffffff)
Font color  Select the font color for this status or enter the Hex color code (e.g., #ffffff) 

Step 3. Go to Products >Products on your Admin Dashboard.Then, look for the product you want to assign the new product status and select the relevant status from the drop-down menu in the “Quantity Status” column.

NOTE: You can edit or delete any existing product statuses anytime through Settings >Product Statuses

Once you assign a status to a product, customers will be able to see this on your B2B storefront.

Importing Product Statuses

You can assign and update statuses to all your products in bulk. To do so, follow the below steps:

Step 1. Go to Products >Export on your Admin Dashboard. 

Step 2. Download your product file. Then, open the spreadsheet, look for the “product_availability” column, and enter the product status you want to assign to each product.

Step 3. Once you have filled in the necessary information, go to Products >Import, click “Choose File” and “Import” to upload the relevant file. Remember that your file should be in .xlsx format.

NOTE: If you are uploading products to your B2B eCommerce platform for the first time, we recommend downloading the sample file import from Products >Import and fill the necessary information. Then, follow Step 3 as described above.

Setting Product Rules

You can create and set rules to automatically assign any given status to your products based on inventory quantity. To create a product status rule, complete these steps:

Step 1. Go to Settings >Product Status Rules and click “+New product status rule.”

Step 2. On the “New product status rule” page, set the quantity range that applies to the specific product status, and select the appropriate status from the drop-down menu. Then, click “Save” to create the new rule and automatically apply this status to products within the set inventory quantity range. 

Remember that by default, product status rules override manually assigned product statuses. To change this setting, go to Profile >Settings >Application configuration, look for the “Product attributes” section, and check “Product status overrides status rules.” Also, you can opt to allow manually applied product statuses to overrule  the “Backorder” and “Out of stock” status rules by checking the “Product status overrides backorder status” and “Product status overrides out of stock status” boxes, respectively.

NOTE: If need assistance applying product status rules to your products in bulk, please contact our support team.

Filtering Orders Using Product Status

You can narrow down or search for orders based on the status of the products included in those orders. Let’s see how you can do this:

Step 1. Contact our support to activate this filter for your account.

Step 2. Go to the Orders menu and select the relevant option from the dropdown menu in the “Product status” field. Then, click “Search” to see the corresponding orders.

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