Sales Rep Account Setup

You can create and modify Sales Rep accounts through the Sales Reps menu on your Admin Dashboard. 

To create a new sales rep, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Sales Rep menu and click “Create Sales Rep.”

Step 2. Fill in the fields on the “Create Sales Rep” page. Through this page, you can also edit sales rep permissions and roles (i.e., make them managers or assign them to a manager). Once you are done, click “Save.”

Let's look at the main fields you will encounter on this page:

Full name Enter the sales rep’s name and surname
Email/Phone Type the sales rep’s email and phone number in the relevant fields
Commission Enter the sales rep’s commission percentage 
Is active Check this option if the sales rep is active
email notifications
Check this box if you want the sales rep to receive email notifications when:
1. An order is placed. 
2. An invoice is generated. 
3. A customer or admin sends a message about the order 

Now, let's take a look at the permissions tabs you will find on this page:

Order permissions tab
Allow editing or adding order products Select this option to allow the sales rep to edit ordered products or add products to their assigned customers’ orders
Can edit
order discount
Check this option to allow the sales rep to add, edit, or remove discounts for submitted orders
Can edit
order status
Check this box to allow the sales rep to edit the status of submitted orders
Can edit order shipping costs Check this option to allow the sales rep to edit the order’s shipping costs 
Can create order invoice Check this box to allow the sales rep to create invoices for their assigned customers’ orders
Customer permissions tab
Can access all
Check this box to allow the sales rep to access all your customers 
Can export customers Select this option to allow the sales rep to export their assigned customers through the  Tools menu on the Sales Rep panel
Can impersonate customer Check this option to allow the sales rep to simulate customers and create orders on their behalf
Can edit or create customer Check this box to allow the sales rep to edit customer information (e.g., billing address, customer homepage products) or create a new customer
Can view all vat groups Check this option to allow the sales rep to assign customers Sales Tax Groups. If unchecked, you can select which VAT/Sales Tax groups the sales rep can view and assign to customers from the relevant drop-down menu. You can select multiple options using “Ctrl+click”
Can edit customer discount Check this box to allow the sales rep to change the customer's discount percentage
Can view all pricelists Check this option to allow the sales rep to assign price lists to customers. If unchecked, you can select which price lists the sales rep can view and assign to customers from the relevant drop-down menu. You can select multiple options using “Ctrl+click”
Can view all shipping options Check this box to allow the sales rep to view and assign shipping options to customers. If unchecked, you can select which shipping options the sales rep can view and assign to customers from the relevant drop-down menu. You can select multiple options using “Ctrl+click”
Can view all payment options Check this option to allow the sales rep to view and assign payment options to customers. If unchecked, you can select which payment options the sales rep can view and assign to customers from the relevant drop-down menu. You can select multiple options using “Ctrl+click”
Reports tab
Can View Reports Check this option to allow the sales rep to view both the Sales Reps Performance and Customers Performance reports
Can View 
Sales Reps Performance Report
Check this box to allow the sales rep to access and view the Sales Reps Performance report, including their performance and that of the sales reps they manage (if applicable)
Can View 
Customers Performance 
Check this box to allow the sales rep to access and view the Customers Performance report   only for customers assigned to them

Other permissions tab
Can view products
Check this option to allow the sales rep to view,  but not edit, customers’ products
Can view
Check this box to allow the sales rep to view and edit customers’ unsubmitted orders
Allow To Import Orders Check this option if you want to allow the sales rep to import order through their portal
Allow to generate PDF catalog
Check this option to allow the sales rep to generate PDF catalogs
Is sales rep manager Check this box to designate the sales rep as a manager and allow them to edit the commission rate of other sales reps assigned to them as their manager
Can access customers and orders of sub sales reps Select this option to allow sales reps managers to access customers and orders of the sales reps assigned to them. Note that this option will appear only if you’ve checked the “Is sales rep manager” box
Has manager

Select the sales rep's manager from the drop-down menu, if applicable
Hide orders from
Check this option to hide all orders and order information from the sales rep's dashboard

Once you add a new sales rep, they will receive their account credentials via email and can access their Sales Rep Portal through the Sales Rep Login page.

NOTE:  You can change sales reps’ account passwords through the Sales Rep menu on your Admin Dashboard by clicking “Set password.”

Assigning Sales Reps to Customers

Once you add your sales reps, you can assign them to specific customers. To do so, go to the Customers menu, and select a customer to edit. Then, on the “Editing customer” page, look for the “Sales Rep” tab. Remember that sales reps can only access customers assigned to them. 

Once you assign customers to sales reps, they can:

  • Place orders on behalf of their customers
  • View customer details
  • View/edit order details 
  • See all permissions you have enabled for them

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