
You can create and edit individual articles and blog posts to share with customers on your online B2B store. These posts primarily differ from other Pages as customers can also access them from the “Latest News” section on your storefront’s Home page other than your storefront’s navigation or footer menus. 

NOTE: To allow articles to appear on your storefront, to Settings >Profile. On the “Appearance” tab, check “Show Latest News”.

To create news, complete these steps:

Step 1. Go to News on your Admin Dashboard and click “+ Create News”.

Step 2. On the “Create News” page, fill out the necessary information.

Specifically, here you will see the following fields:

Title Enter the Title of the article
Summary Type a brief overview of the post. The text you add here will appear in your post on your homepage
Content Enter the content of your article and format your text using the available options in the bar. Remember that you can add photos, videos, and GIFs to make your news piece more engaging
Date Select the date of your post. Leave this field blank if you do not want to show the date. In general, posts will appear on your storefront organized by date, with the most recent posts showing first
Important Check this box if you want to drive attention to this post. By choosing this option, a star will appear next to this post’s title
Show Check this box to post the article on your storefront
Private Check this option to make the page visible to specific customers
Customers Enter the name(s) of customers who can see the page. This field will appear if you check the “Private” option. 
Privacy groups Enter the customer groups that can view the page. This field will appear if you check the “Private” option

Step 3. Click “Save” to save your post. 

Published posts will appear on your storefront’s Home page – your customers can click on them and read them.

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