Creating Pages

You can share valuable and important information with customers on your digital B2B store. You can create content for your commercial and marketing strategy on your B2B Wave eCommerce platform, such as a company page (About us), a blog, or even a special certifications page.

To create a new page, complete these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Pages menu on your Admin panel and click “Create page.” 

Step 2. Fill in the necessary information on “Create Page.”

Let’s look at the fields you will see on this page:

Name Enter the title of your page (e.g., About Us, Winter Clearance)
at header menu 
Check this box if you want the page to appear on the header menu of your storefront that is next to the  HomeDeals (or Offers), and Latest News (if enabled) pages
at header submenu
Check this option if you want the page to appear as part of the header submenu of your storefront 
at footer menu 
Check this box if you want the page to appear in the footer of your storefront, right below your company logo
Content Add your page content in the field. Content may include text, images, and videos. Remember that you can format your text using the available options. Here you can also add:
  1. Photos, using the picture icon on the content tool bar. You can upload a photo to our server and adjust the dimensions using the available tool. Once you upload it, you will see the image in the Content box
  2. Video: You can add a Youtube video using the video icon on the toolbar. To do so, paste the Youtube video URL and adjust the dimensions with the available tool. You can add videos from other platforms by copying the video’s embed code and pasting it to the source HTML by clicking on “Source.” If you have any questions about this, please get in touch with our support team
  3. GIFs, Maps, and other forms of media, by clicking “Source” in the toolbar and pasting custom embed codes. If you need help, please get in touch with our support team

Meta description  Type a meta description to describe this page further - this is especially useful if your online B2B store is public
View Order Select the page’s order on your storefront’s header/footer menu or header submenu. For example, if you want the page to appear first, set the value to “0.” If you want it to appear second, set the value “1”, and so on
Active Check this box to make the page visible on your storefront.You can deactivate this page anytime by unchecking this box
Login Required Check this option only customers with login details can access the page
Private Check this box if you want the page visible only to specific customers or privacy groups. You can enter the name (s) of these select customers or privacy groups in the fields that appear. The privacy feature is helpful if your agreement with specific customers is subject to special price or product agreements or if you want to share information only with specific clients
Files Click on “+” to upload documents on this page. Remember that you can upload files in PDF, .doc, and .xlsx format

Step 3. Click “Save” and go to your storefront to review how the new page looks.

NOTE: You can always go back and edit your pages. Go to Pages and click the pencil icon next to the page you want to update and change.

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