Importing Customer Price Lists

You can easily import and update customer price lists through the “Products” menu on your Admin Dashboard. 

To import a customer price list, you will need to complete the following steps:

Importing Price Lists 

To do so, complete the following steps:

Step 1Go to Products >Import on your Admin Dashboard.

Step 2. If you haven’t previously imported a price list, click on “Sample file import” to download the template file. Then, open the spreadsheet, search the “product_price” column and enter the new product prices you want to import to that column.

Step 3. Go to Products >Import. Choose the file you want to upload, select the price list you wish to import prices for from the “Price List” drop-down menu, check the “Import prices” option, and click “Import” to upload your file. Remember that your file should be in .xlsx format.

Updating Customer Price Lists

If  you have previously imported price lists, you can update these by following the steps below:

Step 1. Go to Products >Export on your Admin Dashboard and select the price list for which you want to update product prices from the “Price List” field drop-down menu, and then click “Export.”

Step 2. Open the file you just downloaded, search for the “product_price” column, and start adding the new product prices to that column.

Step 3. Once you have added the new product process for the specific price list, go to Products >Import. Choose the file you want to upload, select the price list you wish to import prices for from the “Price List” drop-down menu, check the “Import prices” option, and click “Import” to upload your file. Remember that your file should be in .xlsx format.

NOTE: You can update product prices for all your lists at once. To do so, insert additional columns after the “product_price” column. Make sure to name the new columns after the lists you want to simultaneously update (e.g., Basic Price List, Wholesale Price List). Note that the column name should exactly match the corresponding price list’s name. Once you add prices for all your prices lists, remove the “product_price” column from your spreadsheet and upload it.

Mass Assigning Price Lists to Customers

You can import and mass-assign price lists to your customers by following these steps:

Step 1. Go to Tools >Import Customers on your Admin Dashboard, and then select “Export existing customers.”

Step 2. In the downloaded file, search for the "pricelist" column, and type the name of the price list you want to assign to each of your customers.

Step 3. Save the file with a matching name to avoid any confusion.

Step 4. Go to Tools >Import Customers, click “Choose File” to upload your file, and then click “Import.” Once you do this, your customers will be assigned to their new price lists.

NOTE: You can complete the above steps before importing any products or customers to your B2B Wave platform. Check out Importing Products, and Import and Export Customers for more information.

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