Product Filters

B2B Wave allows you to use product extra fields as filters on your storefront, which customers can use to browse your offering. Note that this capability applies only to select and multi-select field types. Let’s see how you can do this.

Creating a Product Extra Field to Use as a Filter

Step 1. Go to Settings >Extra fields and click “New record.”

Step 2. Fill in the necessary information on the “Create extra field page.” 

Specifically, on this page, you will encounter the following fields:

Label Enter the name of the extra field you want to create 
View* Select “Product” from the drop-down menu. Remember that this field is mandatory
Field type* Choose “Select” or “Multi-select” from the drop-down menu. Remember that this field is mandatory. To understand the different field types, read our dedicated article on extra fields
Required Check this option to make the extra field mandatory 
Is Filter Check this option to enable customers to filter products using this extra field
Show to customers Check this option to allow customers to see this extra field on your storefront.

NOTE: Remember that you’ll need to set which options your customers see for products later. Otherwise, this information will not appear on your storefront. To do so, go to the Products menu and select the appropriate product. Then, on the “Editing Product” page, look for the “Extra fields” tab, where you can define the proper options you want to showcase for customers on your storefront.
View order Select the order in which you want the extra field to appear on your storefront or your platform. For example, if you have two fields with the same “View*” type, you need to set the value to “0” if you want it to appear first, set the value “1” if you want it to appear second, and so on

Step 3. Click “Save” to create the product filter extra field.

Once customers log in to your store, they can view the filter on product category or subcategory pages.

When clicking on the filter, they can select the relevant options to narrow their search.

Turning an Existing Product Extra Field Into a Filter

You can update product extra fields into filters by following these steps:

Step 1. Go to Settings >Extra fields and click on the extra field you want to add as a filter on your online B2B store. 

Step 2. Check the “Is Filter” box and click “Save.” 

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