API Keys Generation

B2B Wave allows admins to generate multip API keys to access their platform’s API. This feature enables admins to scope each API key to specific B2B Wave API resources and restrict it for use by certain IP addresses. Let’s see how you can do this.

Creating an API key

To generate an API key, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to Settings >API Keys. Then, on the “API Keys” page, click “+Create API key.”

Step 2. Enter the necessary information and click “Save” to generate the API key. 

Specifically, here, you’ll encounter the following fields: 

Name * Type the name of the key
Active Check this box to activate the key. Otherwise, uncheck this box to invalidate it
Scope * Check the appropriate box based on the function the API key will have by choosing between the following:

  1. All. Select this option to allow the authenticated user(s) to access and edit your orders, products, and customers
  2. Order list. Select this option to allow authenticated user(s) to access your orders
  3. Order edit. Select this option to allow authenticated user(s) to access and edit orders
  4. Product list. Select this option to allow authenticated user(s) to access your products
  5. Product edit. Select this option to allow authenticated user(s) to access and edit products
  6. Customer list. Select this option to allow authenticated user(s) to access your customers
  7. Customer edit. Select this option to allow authenticated user(s) to access and edit customers
Allow IP Addresses Type the IP addresses if you want to restrict API access, separating them with a comma and leaving no space between them(e.g.,, Otherwise, leave it blank

NOTE: Remember that B2B Wave doesn’t permit wildcard masks
API Key * The generated token appears in this field

Deactivating an API key

You can turn off an API key so that it is temporarily invalid with these steps:

Step 1. Go to Settings >API Keys and click on the pencil icon next to the relevant token to edit it.

Step 2. Uncheck the “Active” box on the “API Keys” page and click “Save” to deactivate the key.

Deleting an API key

You can permanently delete an API key that you no longer need by completing these steps:

Step 1. Go to Settings >API Keys.

Step 2. Find the key you want to delete and click the “x” button.

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