Zoho Inventory Integration

You can link Zoho Inventory to your B2B Wave platform by following the below steps:

Step 1. Visit Zoho's API Console.

Step 2. Click on “Add Client.”

Step 3. Select the “Server-based Applications” option.

Step 4. Add “https://<yourdomain>.b2bwave.com (e.g., https://wholesaledemo.b2bwave.com) in the “Homepage URL” field. Then, in the “Authorized Redirect URIs,” add: https://<your domain>.b2bwave.com/profiles/zoho/oauth2callback (e.g., https://wholesaledemo.b2bwave.com profiles/zoho/oauth2callback). 

Step 5. Copy the “Client ID” and “Client Secret” from Zoho.

Step 6. Go to Settings >Profile and look for the “Integrations” tab. Then, paste these codes to the“Client Id*” and “Client Secret*” fields and click “Connect to Zoho Inventory.”

After successfully connecting Zoho Inventory to your B2B Wave account, you create a “Sales Order” to Zoho Inventory when reviewing an order.

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