Price Lists

Customer price lists allow you to define multiple prices that can be assigned to different customers. Eg if you have a set of customers that orders products at a specific price and another set of customers that orders products at a different price, you can create two different pricelists and assign customers accordingly.

Notes: When you define a product you can set the prices for different price lists. The price the customer will see will be based on the price list he/she is assigned to and the price that is assigned to the specific pricelist of a product.

Also, you can override the prices for specific customers (see Product Customer Prices)

Description List available Pricelists
Action GET
URL <your URL here>/api/pricelists
Sample request parameters (empty – no data required)
Sample Successful Response
      "name":"Wholesale Pricelist", 
      "short_name":"Wholesale Price", 
      "name":"Wholesale Pricelist 2", 
      "short_name":"Wholesale Price 2", 

Description Create Pricelist
Action POST
URL <your URL here>/api/pricelists
Sample request parameters
{"pricelist":{"name":"Country Distributor Pricelist"}}
Sample Successful Response
	"name":"Country Distributor Pricelist",
	"short_name":"Country Distributor Pricelist", 

Description Update Pricelist
URL <your URL here>/api/pricelists/<id of pricelist>
Sample request parameters
{"pricelist":{"name":"Big Distributor Pricelist"}}
Sample Successful Response
	"name":"Big Distributor Pricelist",
	"short_name":"Country Distributor Pricelist",
Sample Failed Response If the pricelist you are trying to update does not exist you will receive a 404 error
Required fields name

Field descriptions for Price lists

Name Type Description Required
name string Name of customer price list defined true
short_name string Short Name of customer price list no
for_guests boolean Price list is for guests or not (unused if products are private) auto calculated
cannot_delete boolean Customer Price List is in system's default and cannot be deleted auto calculated
created_at datetime Create Time auto calculated
updated_at datetime Update Time auto calculated
sort integer Show order no
is_default boolean Is customer price list default for new customers? no
pricelist_id integer Customer Price List is based on another customer price list no
discount_percentage decimal If Customer Price List is based on another, all derived prices can be a discount based on the parent customer list no

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